
Tips for Reducing Plumbing Issues Within Your Home

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Tips For Reducing Plumbing Issues Within Your Home

Plumbing issues are a drag. Whether it is realising your shower water is not draining away or that your toilet will not flush, fixing plumbing issues requires the help of a plumber. However, there are some ways that homeowners can reduce the chance of plumbing dramas by changing their habits, and that is what you can find here. Removing hair buildup, correctly using your waste disposal and identifying potential tree root issues are all subjects every homeowner should know. The more plumbing maintenance you do, the less likely you are to encounter issues in your pipes and that is much nicer than dealing with overflowing water.



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Tired of Dealing with Blocked Drains? 3 Tips to Avoid This Problem

Most homeowners have experienced a blocked drain at one point or another. Clogged drains are actually among the most common, but nasty plumbing issues are experienced in most residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. If a blocked drain isn't addressed quickly, it may lead to more severe problems, like corrosion and sewage backup.

The good news is that there are various things you can do to ensure your drains don't get clogged quite as often. The article highlights some common causes of blocked drains and how to avoid them. 

Be Careful With Grease Disposal

Grease and fat are some of the major causes of clogged drains in most homes. When washing dishes, the soap washes down some tiny grease particles into the drains. After a while, the fat particles solidify and accumulate in the drainage pipes. It is not easy to notice fat build-ups until they cause clogs. 

The best way to ensure the fat particles don't clog the drainage pipes is by ensuring you don't wash fatty foods down the drain. Find other solutions to dispose of oil, such as absorbing it using paper towels and throwing it away with the rest of your trash. You can also dispose of used cooking oil in sealed plastic bottles.

Avoid Throwing Food Down the Drains

Drainage clogs due to food waste can happen in any kitchen, even in those with a garbage disposal system. That's why you shouldn't assume that you can throw everything and anything into the garbage disposal. Ensure you understand how the garbage disposal system should be used and maintained. 

For instance, it is crucial to flush the system with cold water anytime you dispose of food items. Otherwise, the food particles will combine with the oils in the drainage and cause a nasty clog. The best way to prevent food particles from clogging the drains is by disposing of all unwanted food particles in a compost bin. 

Use Drain Covers to Capture Hair Strands

Hair build-ups can be from various sources, and they could all end up in the drainage pipes. They may be from the strands of hair that fall off as you bathe or from your furry pet when washing it in the bathroom. When the hair accumulates in the drain, it forms a web that traps other foreign materials going down the pipes. That increases the chance of severe pipe clogs.

One way to prevent hair build-up is by installing drain covers and strainers in all the sinks in your house. It is also helpful to pour hot water down the drain pipes to loosen up early clogs. 

Be careful with whatever you flush down your drains. Follow the simple steps above to prevent clogged drains in your house. Whenever you experience a serious clog, call the professionals to handle it.